Ayush Bhadoriya

Crafting Digital Magic


Navigating My Story

Hey there! I'm Ayush Bhadoriya, a passionate Fullstack Software Engineer with over 2 years of hands-on experience in the ever-evolving world of tech. I thrive on turning digital ideas into reality, crafting seamless web experiences with a futuristic touch.

My tech toolkit? It's packed with React.js, Node.js, and Next.js for dynamic front-end and back-end development. I dabble in Content Management Systems like a pro. JavaScript and TypeScript are my daily drivers, and I'm fluent in the art of styling with Tailwind CSS. I've danced with databases like MongoDB and VectorDB, and I've harnessed the power of Figma for pixel-perfect designs. Redux is my secret sauce for state management, and Python is my sidekick for scripting. Plus, I'm no stranger to the magic of GPT API, LLMs, and Langchain. If you're ready to take your project to the next level, let's connect and make some digital magic together!

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